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4 min read
Are you prepared to work with a copywriter?
You’ve got a new marketing project underway, perhaps a new website or a series of blogs. You’ve hired a copywriter to craft some...

7 min read
Case study drives more work for dynamic duo
Case studies help businesses build trust and win work, as this story shows.
3 min read
Write your way into the unknown
When was the last time you did something that scared you? You know, the kind of thing where as soon as you’ve agreed to do it, you think...
1 min read
Start before you’re ready
It’s so easy to overthink. To overthink marketing – and copy in particular. Copy is everything; how your business shapes its thoughts,...

Laura Summerhayes
6 min read
Take the frustration out of copywriting: how to stop using filler words and clean up your copy
You’ve spent ages perfecting your latest blog. You carefully explained why you have the ideal solution for your clients and proudly...

Laura Summerhayes
2 min read
Casual networking for copywriters in Bristol – starting February 2019
Being a copywriter is a great job. I would say that, because being a copywriter is my job. And if you’re reading this, chances are it’s...

Laura Summerhayes
3 min read
The writer’s life: overcoming the fear of the first word
Your first day in a new job. Your first time speaking in front of an audience. Your first time heading up a department. There are firsts...
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